
Showing posts from April, 2016

Marathon Aftermath

I've had a few days to reflect on Sunday's marathon and although initially I was a little down I've learnt loads from the race and there are a few things I'd do differently next time.  The first big learning point was my pace.  I didn't take into account how the stops would affect me and in hindsight I dwelt on this too much and beat myself up mentally about it.  Looking at the run trace post run this wasn't as bad as I imagined it was.  I can't wait to do another one. Secondly the cramp was bad and is one of those things which you have to deal with.  I did this but let it get to me.  Rather than trying to make up lost time.  I need to gradually build back up to pace.  This way I believe it will recover better and most likely end up going quicker. Thirdly the fuelling.  I think I got this spot on I wasn't out of energy but did get sick of the energy gels.  I had 5 gels in all.  One just before the start and then 1 every 30mins. ...

London Marathon 2016 Race Day

Slept really well and was up at 7:10 and breakfast of porridge and bananas followed by toast with boiled eggs.  Quick shower and I'm ready to go.  The overnight rain had stopped and it was cold with a very fresh breeze. Short walk to the Shard and the London bridge station for the overground train to Blackheath and the blue start. Trains were rammed and I wasn't able to get onto he first two which came along.  The third was just as rammed but just enough room to get on.  Warmest I'd been all morning at this point.  You just needed to follow the crowds to the blue start.  Where everything was clearly signed.  I kept my top and hat on for as long as possible to avoid getting too cold before handing in my baggage. Superbly organised the baggage handling. Queues for the toilets were large as expected but the queues moved pretty rapidly. You can see the screen in the background which the camera man was picking out people and flashing...