Marathon Aftermath
I've had a few days to reflect on Sunday's marathon and although initially I was a little down I've learnt loads from the race and there are a few things I'd do differently next time. The first big learning point was my pace. I didn't take into account how the stops would affect me and in hindsight I dwelt on this too much and beat myself up mentally about it. Looking at the run trace post run this wasn't as bad as I imagined it was. I can't wait to do another one. Secondly the cramp was bad and is one of those things which you have to deal with. I did this but let it get to me. Rather than trying to make up lost time. I need to gradually build back up to pace. This way I believe it will recover better and most likely end up going quicker. Thirdly the fuelling. I think I got this spot on I wasn't out of energy but did get sick of the energy gels. I had 5 gels in all. One just before the start and then 1 every 30mins. ...