Spring Waveney Tri

I really enjoy this event and was slightly disappointed the autumn 2015 event had to be changed to a duathlon due to pool maintenance. Although the event was really good and was my first ever duathlon I still wanted to break the hour barrier for the trip version of the event.

Weather couldn't have been more perfect warm and sunny with a bit of a breeze.  The event it self is perfect for all abilities and it is great to see all ages and abilities competing.  I wasn't expecting great things this time round for me as I have had a painful and swollen ankle since the London marathon.  It was really only Saturday when it had returned to normal and the swelling had gone.  I really wanted to test out how I went ahead of the half Ironman in June.

Registration opened at 6:30 until 7:45 and was quick and easy and on a first come first served basis.  You were handed your timing chip and numbers for your shirt / race belt and sticky numbers for you bike and helmet.  Also we were given a goodie bag which is some sort of swim bag plus you coloured swim hat for your wave.

I spotted blue, white and green hats across the various waves.  The event starts at 8:30 with waves of 5 going off every 5minutes.  I was number 29 going in wave 6 at 8:55.

Ben and James from Triharder had set up shop.

Transition, every one had a quick bike safety check and they made sure your helmet fitted correctly.

The race briefing was very relaxed and friendly and the organiser stressed about having fun and enjoying the event.  They clearly outlined the rules and the expectation they have from everyone.

First wave about to start:

I chatted with Paula and Eamon until it was time to get ready and then after a quick change it was into the learner pool for a warm up before the wave I was in was called together to choose lanes and a quick briefing on the lane rules.  The swim went well and was about 7:30 for the 400 metres.  Good considering the training i've done.

The first riders out of T1:

The transition was smooth and quick for me and I always find it is easier to put my bike shoes on first rather than running out of transition with them on the pedals as I find I am quicker and can clip into the pedals quicker this way.  I have tried both ways with the shoes on the pedals and off the pedals and i'm definitely quicker off time lost in transition is made up not having to fiddle about tightening the shoes in the first mile or so.

A decent number of spectators were there as always which really does go to make a friendly atmosphere.

The bike course is a little undulating in the first few miles then its nice and flat and a fairly quick course.  I've not spent much time in the aero position this year so wasn't very comfortable in this setup so will be leaving the trip bars on time the ironman.  My 10 minute marker was Paula who I caught about half a mile from the end of the bike leg.

The mount and dismount line for the bike leg.  I nearly over cooked this on the way back in from the bike just about got my foot down in time.

T2 was again quick and smooth which was really pleasing.  Nearly went wrong on the exit of the run but only lost a couple of seconds at most.  Didn't walk the transition exit before hand.  So something to learn for next time.

The run was a nice out and back course with a couple of nasty little inclines including the incline to the turn around point.  Was good to see where you are again everyone else in your wave and those in earlier waves.

The run up to the finish and a new pb for the event of 59:36.  an improvement of 56 seconds.  Finally broken the hour target.  Really chuffed to bits as I haven't had the best swim or bike training.  Plus the swollen foot has limited post marathon running.

The foot did swell up a bit and was painful for most of the afternoon but has since stopped aching today.  So I intend to take it easy for the next couple of weeks run wise and give it another test on chase the train in two weeks.

Nice medal to round off the day.

The day was really hotting up and we had promised Amy and Sophie a trip to the dinosaur park and more importantly the newly opened dippy's splash zone.  By the time we got there Sunday afternoon it must have been 25 degrees minimum and charging about in the splash zone with the girls was by far the best way cool down and relax.


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