Journey to Cornwall - 27/05/23

The journey down began early at 4:30 and I was slightly nervous as thought we had a slow puncture but all seemed fine as we set off in the early morning light. The kids were soon sounds asleep in the back of the car.

The plan was to head towards Bristol and find somewhere for breakfast around there. The journey to Bristol was really easy and at around 9:45 we finally made our first stop at a place called Ollie’s Cafe for a full English breakfast. The place was packed already with a steady stream of cars coming in and out. Turns out we’d arrived just in time. Initially we thought the waitress said we couldn’t get a table till 11 but it was we had the table till 11. Robert was very excited and managed to break the salt shaker within a minute of us sitting down. The breakfast was excellent and definitely fueled me nicely for the second leg of the journey to Polperro.

The second leg was not quite as smooth as we started to hit traffic. It was slow going till Plymouth where we ground to a halt over the bridge and for the next few miles. Finally we turned off the main A road and headed for Polperro. 


There were plenty of people out enjoying the sunshine in Looe and we passed a place where Mel and I had stayed when Mel was pregnant with Amy. Leaving the car at the Polperro car park we wandered down to the harbour stopping for a traditional Cornish pasty.

Once refueled with the excellent pasty we began exploring the caves and Sophie and Robert did a spot of rock climbing. 

Glorious sunshine and still waters watching a boat come in and out. The start of the traditional holiday ice cream challenge. 


Quick refill of fuel and the rest of the journey to Kennack sands was slow and steady going on the small roads. We were right down in the lizard peninsula this time. Once unpacked our Morrisons delivery turned up and after some food we went down to the beach to enjoy the evening sunshine and paddle. All three were soaked as the tide came in.



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