Coverack - 02/06/23

Final day in Cornwall today and it was windy and overcast so we had a trip to Coverack for a walk along the front. 

Had a quick look at the RNLI shop where Amy and Sophie got some sweets before walking on to Porthbeer cove via the headland. Then taking a detour to look at the sculpture park.   

These are mostly metal sculptures of birds and animals in a very angular style. Good fun trying to guess what some were.

Walking back in time for some lunch we stopped in the harbour lights cafe for more pasties and cakes and some hot drinks for a change to warm us up. The people on the table next to us (two old women) tried to sneak off without paying.

Then for our last afternoon it was back to our favourite spot at Mullion Cove for more jumping and swimming. Amy completely conquered her fears and was jumping off the top over and over and over. At the end of the day we had to practically drag her back to the car. Last meal we went to the on-site restaurant before packing up.



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